What Is Cupping?


From Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps to stars like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston hailing the many benefits of natural healing modalities, cupping is the new go-to therapy to look ageless, to resolve aches and pains, and to boost post-workout recovery in a therapeutic, relaxing session. Cupping relaxes tired and sore muscles, increases blood circulation and Qi flow. It can also help you to look younger and feel more vibrant. 

It is an ancient technique of healing, performed by gently applying cups to suction the skin on acupuncture points, trigger points, and knotted, sore muscles. The suction draws the skin up and increases the flow of blood to sore or tense muscles, reduces inflammation, and delivers oxygen and other important nutrients to aid in healing. This enhanced circulation removes toxins and impurities for better overall tissue health. Some research indicates cupping may promote the growth of new, healthy tissue in areas of injury.

 With cupping, you may feel slight tugging on your skin for a few moments after each cup is placed, but the sensations resolve soon afterward as your skin adjusts to the new sensation. Depending on your needs, the cups are left in place for a few minutes to up to about 20 minutes per location. 

 To remove the cups, Kathleen releases the suction which allows the cups to be easily removed. After each cup is removed, you may notice a reddish “circle” or imprint left on your skin. This effect is temporary and indicates increased circulation in the area. The circle marks will resolve within 24 hours to a couple of days.

 After treatment, you will want to relax through the remainder of your day so that your body has time to make the most of the natural healing effects. Drink plenty of water to support the increased blood flow and keep the treatment area warm to enhance the overall therapeutic effects.


Benefits Of Cupping:

• Release scar tissue and fascial adhesions
• Reduce painful trigger points
• Improve circulation, blood and lymph circulation
• Relieve pain
• Promote mobility and range of motion
• Improves mature scars
• Decrease toxins

Commonly Treated Conditions:

Cupping is used primarily to treat muscle knots, muscle tension, respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, and congestion; arthritis; gastrointestinal disorders; and certain types of pain. Some practitioners also use cupping to treat depression and reduce swelling. Fleshy sites on the body, such as the back and stomach (and, to a lesser extent, the arms and legs), are the preferred sites for treatment.

More About The Cupping Treatment:

Depending on the condition being treated, the cups will be left in place from 5 to 10 minutes. Several cups may be placed on a patient’s body at the same time. Some practitioners will also apply small amounts of medicated oils or herbal oils to the skin just before the cupping procedure, which lets them move the cups up and down particular acupoints or meridians after they have been applied.




20-Minute Cupping Phone Consultation - Free

Unsure about cupping? Ask me about it! This free phone consultation will help you decide if cupping is for you.

Stand Alone Initial Cupping Session - $125

For new patients only. This initial cupping session includes an intake assessment and a cupping session.

Stand Alone Subsequent Cupping Session - $90

For existing patients only. This subsequent cupping session will support you on your wellness journey.